Articles on: Finance

🔔 Temporary deactivation of financial operations in the S-Group personal cabinet

⌛️ Dear partners, in order to increase the security of your funds storage we have improved the functionality of the S-Group personal cabinet.

❌ In case of changing personal data in the partner's account, the ability to make financial transactions will be automatically deactivated for 72 hours.

User actions after which financial operations will be temporarily deactivated ⬇️

1️⃣ Changing the password.

2️⃣ Disabling the 2FA protection.

3️⃣ Changing personal data in the account: name and date of birth, e-mail, phone number, nickname, or country of residence.

4️⃣ Requesting support to remove identity verification or marketing verification.

🔹 Important. The ability to transfer funds and withdraw deposits will be resumed automatically after 72 hours from the moment of changing the data in the S-Group personal cabinet.

⚙️ If you need to make financial transactions during the freezing period, you can make a request for recovery of access. To do this, contact your Top Leader 15%+ and give him/her the necessary information. Once your Top Leader has reviewed the request, they will be able to contact support to remove the restrictions.

🔔 If you have NOT changed your personal information and received a notification that the financial transactions on your account have been frozen, please contact support or your sponsor to resolve the situation.

Updated on: 12/02/2024

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