Articles on: S-Trade

📊 What are orders to buy and sell cryptocurrencies?

📈 Orders are a tool to automate buying and selling cryptocurrencies as much as possible according to trader's trading strategy.

💡 Let's imagine that trader A wants to buy ETH, but he is not satisfied with the current price. In this case, the trader can set an order to buy ETH at a price he is happy with and the order will be triggered as soon as the price reaches the appropriate level.

⏺ Why do we need orders on cryptocurrencies?

1️⃣ Increase income and minimize risk. A trader can set the optimal price to buy and sell assets, and the order will be triggered as soon as the price reaches the set mark.

2️⃣ Trading Automation. Orders allow traders to buy and sell cryptocurrency at any time, even when they are not in front of a computer. They can set orders from their mobile devices and not have to follow the market all the time.

🔵 On S-Trade crypto exchange you can buy and sell cryptocurrency using Limit, Market, Stop-Limit, and OCO orders which will help you to automate your trading and minimize your losses.

Updated on: 26/04/2023

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