🏆 Updating the accrual of bonuses
⌛️ Dear investors and partners, we hasten to inform you about new conditions of accrual of bonuses for reaching the career level. After the update bonuses are accrued in two currencies: SWCT and SGCT depending on the volume of each asset, which makes up the total turnover of the user. 📌 For example, Partner A is at the 14.5% level and his team turnover is 1,800,000 SWCT and 1,200,000 SGCT. This volume is enough to upgrade to the 15% level and receive a premium of 150,000 SWCT/SGCT. Due to theFew readers🏆 New career levels of S-Group marketing plan
⌛️ Dear investors and partners, we hasten to inform you that new career levels have been technically added to the marketing plan of S-Group company, which will become an important component for all those who strive for success in business and realization of their goals. 🚀 New career levels are new opportunities both for the development of the partner team and scaling the business, as well as for even more effective growth of the whole company. 🎯 Achieving new career levels will allow each pFew readers
S - Subscription
🔹 Important update to S-Subscription
⌛️ Dear investors and partners, we are pleased to announce an important update of S-Subscription. 🪙 Starting from today all partners have the opportunity to purchase S-Subscription tariffs in SGCT tokens. We would like to note that the cost of tariff plans and limits remain unchanged. Terms of purchasing S-Subscription tariff plans for SGCT tokens ⬇️ 1️⃣ All S-Subscription plans, which will be issued by your team partners in SGCT, will be counted in SGCT tokens in team turnover as welSome readers🔝 Business Subscription. S-Subscription conditions update
🔍 S-Subscription is the subscription to business within the Career section of S-Group ecosystem, and it is a tool, which gives every partner the opportunity to get bonuses in the interaction with the company. S-Subscription gives every partner the maximum benefits and advantages ⬇️ ✔️Affiliate Rewards. Receive referral rewards in all areas of the company. ✔️ Rewards. Receive caFew readersSubscription referral calculation principle (S-SUBSCRIPTION)
Referral rewards from the purchase by an investor of a subscription or new deposits in the direction of Liquidity Mining SWP are accrued only to those higher partners who already have an active subscription and according to their career level. It is also important to remember that each subscription has a monthly limit for receiving referral rewards and when it is reached, referrFew readers🔹 Detail of new S-Subscription terms and conditions
✅ You can activate your subscription in your personal S-Group investor office, by going to the section “S-Subscription”, and selecting the desired plan. ✅ During the first 90 days after the purchase of the tariff plan, you can upgrade it and connect to the improved oFew readers
Why sign the Independent Entrepreneur Agreement?
Users who do not pass the verification confirmation stage will not be able to receive a reward for reaching a new level. Upon reaching the status of 14% for continued participation in the bonus programs and special offers of the group of companies, the Client may not participate in other companies with an element of network marketing, as well as engage in the dissemination oSome readersWhat is the logic behind counting active and inactive users?
The user is considered active if he currently has an active deposit, that is, if the user had a deposit and he withdrew it (while the amount on the deposit remains in circulation), then he is considered inactive, and the system does not count as active.Some readersHow is turnover calculated?
If there is no team, then the user can reach 7% and 9% through his own investments, if there is already a team, then these levels are achieved only with the help of the team, and the turnover is not summed up with his investments TEAM TURNOVER 100% 1st line partner investment and 50% partner investment from 2nd line and all the way down to your organization. The maximum tSome readersWhat is the difference between “total team turnover” and “team turnover”?
Written by S-Group Updated 4 months ago TOTAL TEAM TURNOVER Shows how much of the total amount of funds the partners in your team have invested. All invested funds, including those that did not go into the turnover of the team TEAM TURNOVER Displays how much your partners have invested and how much is applied to your turnover. 100% 1st line partner investment and 5Few readersCan we remove a user at the sponsor's request?
Yes, we can, if the cabinet is without investment and verification.Few readersCan a user add partners if he does not have investments?
Yes, the user can add partners, but if he does not have personal investments, then he will not receive referral accruals from the investments of his invited partners.Few readersIs it possible to change the sponsor?
It is not possible to change the sponsor. If the account is not verified, without investments (ever created) and invited partners, it is possible to delete it and re-register.Few readersWhy did "my level" decrease?
The user's level can decrease based on his personal deposits, for example, if the level was 14.5% (team turnover of $1,000,000 and personal deposits of $10,000) and today the user has withdrawn 1 deposit of $1000 and now there are $9,000 of personal deposits - then the user level will be lowered to 14% until he creates a new deposit that will cover the required conditions. ThFew readersConditions for reaching career levels
To move to new career levels, the marketing turnover of the team is taken into account according to the following conditions: ⁃ 100% of the investment amount of personally invited users ⁃ 50% of the amount of investment in existing branches, but from one branch a maximum of 33% of the required turnover of the achieved level can be taken into account. Let's look at an eFew readersWhere can I find my referral link?
Go to the "Career" section and in the "Share" block you can copy your referral link and send it to the user you want to invite to your team.Few readers